Do you want to learn how to Master your Magick in just 5 DAYS!

I know what it’s like to try to step into your Magick but you don’t have any direction, help, accountability, and lack of knowing where to start.


But, that’ why I’m here. To help you either get back on the Magickal Train or to jumpstart your Magick! It’s so frustrating to try to learn Spells, create a Magickal Daily Routine, and stay focused in your Craft.

I’ve got you covered. I can help you with all of that!

Join me in my MASTER YOUR MAGICK 5 DAY CHALLENGE, where I am teaching you how to:

1-Create your Daily Magickal Routine so you can stay focused in your Craft.
2-How to work with the Moon Cycles for personal empowerment.
3-How to create powerful yet simple spells for prosperity, love, & protection.
4-How to bring in the energy of the Elements to enhance your life and Magick.

If you’d like to learn how to Master your Magick in just 5 Days, the join me in my Master your Magick 5 Day Challenge starting July 17th @ 6pm cst!

Join here:


How to Embody the High Priestess during uncertain times.

As I sit here at my computer listening to some cool Jazz and burning Temple Incense in the background, I am in deep thought about how the High Priestess would handle times of uncertainty.

The High Priestess card is one of my favorite cards in the Tarot Deck. She is strong, profoundly wise, calm, insightful, in balance, & is in tune with her subconscious.

When you pull the High Priestess card in Tarot, you will find her sitting on her throne between two pillars. One black pillar and one white pillar. You will notice that the pillars have the letters B & J on them. It is said that the comlums come from Solomon’s Temple, Jachin, and Boaz. Jachin (right) represents the Pillar of Establishment and Boaz (left) is the Pillar of Strength. The pillars also depict the duality of nature; masculine/feminine, good/evil, negative/positive, inward/outward, ying/yang, ebb/flow etc.

She sits firmly between them knowing that there is knowledge and sacred space in between. The Liminal space. You will notice that she wears a crown of Isis or either a Triple Goddess symbol. She walks in the world or Magick and is a powerful Sorceress.

You will also see her depicted as being seen with a crescent moon at her feet. She has complete control over her emotions, feminine energy, & moon mysteries. The solar cross that she is wearing indicates that she is in tune with the cycles of life, the wheel of the year, & mother nature herself.

And let’s not forget about the Pomegranates that are on her robe. The fruit of the underworld, life, fertility, & nourishment.

The High Priestess is associated with the Goddesses Isis, Persephone, Artemis, Diana, Hecate & so many more.

How can we embody the High Priestess during times of trouble, uncertainty, chaos, & doubt?

Here’s a few tips on what you can do:

  1. Take control of your environment. Limit things that don’t bring you joy or uplift you. The High Priestess does not have time for mundane nonsense & outside influences. She knows her limits & she boldly draws the line in the sand.

  2. Spend time connecting with Mother Gaia. Plant some flowers, listen to the birds, give an offering, sit in the grass, or just hold a crystal.

  3. Do a ritual. This is one of the most powerful things you can do to connect with your inner High Priestess. It doesn’t have to be a hoity-toity ceremony with all the Magickal tools & ceremony. Sit in sacred space, light some incense, center yourself, play some music, & go within. Shut the outside world out & really bring in the energy of the High Priestess. Bring her into you.

  4. Play some kick-arse music. Music that gets you moving & motives you. Either some tribal music, deep drumming, women empowerment songs, or something that brings out the powerful High Priestess in you.

  5. Do some inner work. Whether it’s shadow work, cord-cutting, or forgiveness ceremony, this is the time do be powerful and face things that have been holding you back. YOU ARE NOT AFRAID!

  6. Reach out to others in need. You’re the High Priestess,,, your duty is to help others, uplift, offer a shoulder to cry on, or offer some healing. You’re the spiritual leader in the community, this is your calling.

  7. Erect an altar to your inner High Priestess. Put items on it that make you feel powerful, bring you joy, help you connect with you inner wisdom. For example, put a red or purple cloths down, place the High Priestess Tarot card on the altar, burn purple & white candles, light some temple incense, place a picture or plaque of a moon, place an item the represents the Elements, offer some delicious and decadent food. Make your Goddess altar your Temple and make sure it brings you back to your power center.

We all have a powerful High Priestess in us. We just have to call her in and surrender to her. She’s waiting for you to connect with her & weave your Magick.

“I am still.

I am powerful.

I am strong.

I am Wise.

I am female energy.

I am in tune with my inner wisdom.”

If you’d like to step into your High Priestess energy, I invite you to join my Accelerated High Priestess Program-Master your Magick in 13 weeks.

Join here:
